Monday 20 February 2006

damn those blue bottles

just another victim

Portuguese Man of WAR

sounds like a nasty little fellow doesnt it

ready to take battle with those Spaniards or French perhaps ,,,,, but NO

this little fellow chooses to attack unsuspecting Tourists and beach goers and makes their lives a misery

Oh woe is me .... and all the other unfortunate victims

I guess the Myth is true ..... there is a Great blue bottle in the sea that just waits in the deep anals of the Grand Pacific Ocean .... a Monster of the deep only surfacing to to suck the lifeforce out of the human soul and leave his evil mark

The itch of a thousand camel fleas

Victims everywhere ...... no cure or remedy

the white vinegar we used as kid is a fallacy .... except on hot potato chips with a bit of salt mmm salty

But we must keep going ......pushing ourselves on .... and fighting off the hordes

we will win one day

and the only bottles we shall see are Cold Brown Ones in the Taverns , we will tell our stories of great battles in the oceans fighting off the Barbaric Blue Bottle

1 comment:

Craig said...

it's the small ones that you have to watch