Sunday 8 October 2006

Viva La Fidel or R. I. P .

Current conjecture among medical experts
is that Fidel Castro has
widely metastatic colon cancer
and either did not survive the surgery
announced by Cuban officials,
or — if he survived — will be dead
within a matter of a few weeks.
The condition is terminal.
It was known before Castro’s sudden
collapse last weekend that he had stomach cancer,
but the speed of his decline caught his medical
team by surprise. It is thought to have been
contributed to by depression over his declining
health and anxiety over whether or not the
revolutionary movement he founded
would long survive his passing.


whitewatersky said...

who gives a shit

GrandmasterMellyMel said...

Um, me.

Craig said...

and George W

Now he can git some ceegars

Anonymous said...

Colon Cancer huh?
Can you get that from Smoking cigars?

bradster b rad etc said...

you can get anything from smokin cigars boy even an erection Oops i mean win an Election .... Oop's again i did a Lewinski
Nobody is saying that the Cuban is Killing the Cuban We all know he likes to suck on these little torpedo's so it just represent's him . i dont like or dislike him and some people dont give a shit and some do i just throw random shit in the wind and hope its not a strong Head wind

whitewatersky said...

suckin on torpedos.

that's a good saying.

what about Thorpedos... in Speedos

Craig said...
