Monday 7 May 2007

Not the sherriff of Wrongtown no no !!!!!!

"You have the right to
remain silent as I
dragon kick you in the face."

WRONGTOWN has a Ranger none of that
Lord of the Ringhole Pooncy stuff
Be carefully walking the streets of wrongtown
at night doin or posting stupid stuff
thats just not wrong
some more interesting Chuck Norris facts

Chuck Norris is able to make the sound of one
hand clapping. The rest of humanity perceives
this sound as a solar eclipse.

The Martial Arts Hall of Fame was inducted into
Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris’ body is able to cash any check that
his mouth writes. On a hot summer day Chuck Norris’
body even cashed a check for $537 Million that his
mouth wrote. Chuck Norris used the money to buy
17 Ice Cream factories, 16 to cool himself off and 1
to obliterate for round-house kick practice.

Chuck Norris knows the meaning of every word
in the dictionary - except mercy.

so there is a new lawman in town he vacationed
here once and he decided that this place has been
infected by ratbags who want to sell records
and pretty video's

So he aint HAPPY

Be Warned !!!!


Anonymous said...

have you seen TALLEDAGA NIGHTS; Ricky Bobby names his sons WALKER, and TEXAS RANGER (or TR for short)


whitewatersky said...

i like how Chuck does that whyl he be smilin.

he don't even care none that he clean liced that roo's head dang well offa his neck.

take THAT, Roo !


Anonymous said...

When Google needs information it gets online and Chuck Norris's it!

whitewatersky said...

i'm hoping when I get to Melbourne that Cragi still has a beard and so he can Chuck Norris my sphincter...

mmmmmm beard rash