Monday 17 March 2008

May i Suggest the Tapioca for Dessert ?

Next time you think about chowing into that Bratwurst or Kranski

When the two men met, they made a videotape of their fatal encounter.
It showed them having sex, then Meiwes severing Brandes' penis,
which the two men then fried and tried to eat.

Armin Meiwes, the German cannibal serving a life sentence
for killing and eating a man who begged to be devoured,
has described how the meat tasted of pork and how he prepared
an elaborate meal of human steak in a green pepper sauce
with croquettes and Brussels sprouts.

Hope he had a nice Chiante to wash down that recently used Penis
no wonder it tasted like Pork !!!!! i might go Halal thanks !

1 comment:

GrandmasterMellyMel said...

mmmm, poo-poo wee-wee for dinner