Monday 17 March 2008

What you talking about "Willis" ?

after a brief Hiatus "The Bradster" decides to return home to Wrongtown
only to find that Wrongtown is looking a little like
Ghosttown, Bandtown or HotBoobyTown.
Its monday here in Aust and all you poor soul's
busting out the 9-5 blues..... with nothing to browse
cause Wrongtown is Pootown .
Dont fret cause i am here to save your days.
Once i wipe my little Monkey Ass or Arse depending
on which Continent you are in ........... So Be Warned !!!!!!!!
Unless i lose my Motivation , You is gonna cop a monkey Shit fight !!!!!!!! !


GrandmasterMellyMel said...

What's the matter, Willis?
Hey monkey boy! That looks just like my outdoor dunny did after you finished with it last night.

bradster b rad etc said...

amazing what sort of photo you can take with a camera phone these days poo cam nice paper you have though. Very soft on the cheeks!!!