Friday 30 September 2005


It's happened again. My head is throbbing and my gut is confused. And on the tram to work those pricks were crowding around me again. When I got to work people crowded me more waiting for a lift. Some woman just stepped in front of me into my personal space and just... stood there. Then I had to get into the lift. With other people. I never realised quite what an ugly bunch of people corporate workers are... And they didn't get out of my way and they all kept stopping the lift and getting off...

And now I can't bear to look at the computer screen. I know what I can do, where there is a quiet dark space nearby...


GrandmasterMellyMel said...

Dude, you can't jerk off at work... well, I guess you can.

Anonymous said...


bradster b rad etc said...

buy yourself an ipod and a new funky tie ... you all go to work you all going to die
livin in a tracksuit is not the look for you ... go to the dunny and do a great big poo

your world your rules