Monday 19 December 2005


Did you know that Daxton is not a unique name for a unique individual? A quick Google on the name (looking for any reference to one of his band Low End's gig's) reveals the following candidates for the Daxtonion Institute of Monohandedness (also known as DIM.)

There is a couple of baby photos of this endangerred species (I assume endangered because looking at the parents you know this kid is gonna have trouble breeding)

There is the Action Daxton comic strip. Who would have thought! It appears to have been abandonned - when I try to visit the actual newspaper (?) website the pics all fail to show.

You can realise the hero within at the Daxton Wilde Foundation for kids with Cancer. I guess now that little Daxton has an institute amed after him he is dead.

There is also this very boring Daxton that is a lawyer in Arizona. He is so boring that I have said enough. Actually, upon relfection, I bet he's a real party animal in the arizona bar scene. Probably owns a large porn collection or something. I bet he even has movies by that other Daxton the amatuer porno film-maker (from San Francisco). I quote him on his film making style: "Strictly amateur. I'm not familar with much of the filmmaking process, but what I lack in knowledge I make up for in ambition. I used to film with some friends for a public access show until I moved, but now I'm back and NEED to get into the game!"

I am not sure of this porno guy is the same Dungeons and Dragons afficionado who goes by this neat email address:

Lastly in my check there's the famous volleyball player. Hmm, like playing with balls... This could be our guy...?

Anyway, if you want to show our Daxton that you care buy him a necklace for Christmas from this joker. Or not.

Coming soon: A Daxton Discography

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