Monday 10 April 2006


The new
"Armies of the Night"

The Warriors is being remade.This movie isn't strictly a remake since it is going to be set in Los Angeles in 2006 and none of the characters or gangs from the original movie will be in it.What no Ajax, no Swan, no Rogues or Baseball Furies or (Gramercy) Riffs! In fact the only similarities with the original movie are the title, the name of The Warriors gang, and the basic story line . Rumour has it that Cyrus will still be the name of the guy who called the meeting. The movie to be released some time in 2006. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

ahhh What can i say ? Maybe the movie should be called

"Not the Warriors"


Craig said...

at least the game was good. Rock star are rock stars

Craig said...

check this review out

bradster b rad etc said...

so true Rock star games ROCK just finished the game going through the last sequences were just killer not tremendously difficult but Kick Ass as far as the movie
Why Why Why .... It was my childhood favourite .,.,.,
why even try .... LA has its Gang movies ..Hello Judgement Night ..Hello Boys in the Hood
Compton aint no Coney .,.,.,
Both Hard but no comparison

Anonymous said...

Why do so many dumb people think Sam Jacksonb is in the warriors?