Tuesday 1 August 2006

Census night!

The Australian Census happens tonight. Will you be a Jedi or a part of the Kiss Army?
And by the way - it is wrong to put Jedi down as your religion?

Here's what the Australian Bureau of Statistics says on the topic -

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has endeavoured to answer all questions posed by the public and the media relating to recording Jedi as a response to the question on religion in the 2001 Census, to be held Tuesday 7th August. The answers provided by the ABS are not always provided in full due to the constraints of the forums in which the questions have been asked. More...


If your belief system is "Jedi" then answer as such on the census form. But if you would normally answer Anglican or Jewish or Buddhist or something else to the question "what is your religion?" and for the census you answer "Jedi" then this may impact on social services provision if enough people do the same. More...

Oh yeah - and if you are a Jedi - you must have a Jedi Name, so go get one at the Jedi Name generator.

Learn more about the Jedi Census phenomenon at our friend wikipedia or at that reputable news source, the BBC

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