Saturday 28 October 2006

Abortion, Republican states and Nicaragua

Apparently the above map represents the population of legal abortionsin the US since 1973. I am not that sure of electoral trends in the US - but aren't these mostly Republican states?

There is this crazy hypothesis that legalizing abortion has reduced crime. Aren't Republicans more likely to commit a crime that Democrats? So shouldn't aborting millions of them reduce the crime rate? Crazy hypothesis I say. Just so crazy it might be right!* You can read about it here.

Anyway I raise the topic because I read in the newspaper this week that Nicaragua passed a bill making all abortions illegal. Apparently the only other coutries that have blanket bans on abortion are El Salvador and Chile.

I wonder why third world nations make decicions like this? The developed world (with one notable exception) seem to be all for womens rights and legalising abortions.

Is it because of US foreign Aid conditions?

Or is it because of the power and reach of the Pope?

Or is it part of some master conspiracy by Neil Hamburger and his fans/fanatics to build up a regional threat so he has someone convenient to bomb? Neil is a lazy bugger, after all, and when he is president he's unlikely to want to be jetting around the world to the Middle East and Africa.

Neil gave us his foreign policy over a decade ago. It's pretty clear what he's up to.

* I made that bit about Republicans being criminals up!

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