Friday 6 October 2006

Are you an eproctophile?

I know at least one of you who is (I'm referring to you, Android!). Wondering what an eproctophile is? It's someone with a fart fetish. Eww.

But funny thing, fetishes and obsessions. Someone recently referred to themselves to me as being a gym germophile - I'm guessing they meant gym germophobe (irrational fear of germs in gyms) or someone who is obsessed with German gyms (germophile, after all, meaning one who loves all things German).

Now, some might argue that I'm a word nerd, and they'd probably be right. Career hazard I guess. My other favourie is spermologist. Well, generally spermology is a term used to describe a person who collects or studies seeds, but it's also used to describe someone who collects trivial (and often useless) knowledge.


Anonymous said...

yeh so word that come out of your mouth as opposed to something else so your point being for the blog is that Android's likes Fart's and you dont like Gym Germ's or is it really a case that you love German sausage
Is there a Doctor who can treat that ?

Anonymous said...

oh i sorry i did drop the s from word's it is a case that i am quite illiterate but we all know that. I blame the Vodka!

Anonymous said...

Just Don't mention the war!