Monday 27 March 2006

Club Sandwiches, not seals

Seal hunting.

The Seal hunting season began last weekend. Why do we hunt seals? And why is Seal hunting considerred particularly cruel?

Want to learn more? Visit the Humane Society's website here.


Anonymous said...

Why do we hunt Seals?

Well there is the meat, and the oil both rich in nutrients like Omega 3 and 6. Then there is the fur, which most people think is the only reason seals are hunted. However very little of a seal is wasted even the male reproductive organs are used. There is also the fact that there are over 5 million just off the coast of Newfoundland and they are hardly endangered.

Why is the Seal hunt considered particularly cruel?

Because people are bombarded with images of cuddly white coat baby seals being killed. The fact that these infant seals cannot legally be killed seems to be forgotten by those making posters and asking for donations for the “Save the seal” cause.
Most seals today are shot and not clubbed but looking at that website you shared with us you wouldn’t know that. Compared to animals in a slaughterhouse seals actually meet their ends far nicer. I think its funny that the American Humane society is so big on ending the Canadian seal hunt, but forget that Alaska has one as well. No one would want to join the “Save the grandpa seals” cause. Most of the footage and images you see are either old ones taken before the new regulations were put in place.( The Canadian seal hunt is one if not the most regulated hunt of animals in the world.) Or they are made with paid actors and passed around as fact.

I suggest if you are interested in the hunt look up “ My ancestors were rogues and murderers.” On the web and you will learn a whole new perspective.

As for “The club sandwiches not seals.” T-shirts isn’t that really hypocritical. So seals cannot be hunted but baby cows, pigs, and chickens are free game?

Global warming is a bigger threat to seals then the harp seal hunt is.

Anonymous said...

Look at that, a righteous Canadian.

In case you think I am being unfair;

Japanese people kills whales

Tasmanians cut down trees

Chinese people torture bears

Dumb Canadian.

bradster b rad etc said...

This is Wrongtown not righteous town ...... if you want to leave a novel drop it off at an orphanage
we are human ... we kill
end of story face it you are a murderer everytime you step on an ant and by the way i hope your club sandwich is salad if not make it ham on rye like mine