Wednesday 3 May 2006

What a cracker!

Apparently a guy in the US played a game of Russian roulette with his pals. They put a firecracker in their mouths and lit it up. Then they waited to see whether they could remove it JUST before it went off.

The WINNER was supposed to be the one who waited the longest. As it turned-out, this guy was the LOSER - and he was a SORE-loser!!! He was rushed to the emergency ward where this picture was taken.

The picture was removed due to Grossness.
If you are game take a look here - but be warned.

And if you want - you can watch a video of this other idiot sticking a live cracker in his mouth.

Ahh the ranks of Wrongtown citizens are swelling. I'm chuffed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Check out that tongue. Bet he makes a hell kisser.