Thursday 7 September 2006

Build your own office!

Hey kids! Tired of your existing office space but faced with tight and oppressive budget cuts at work?

Then why not try this wonderful new concept: DIY Build Your Own Office!

Join the growing hundreds of people across the world who are investing in this great new phenomenon.

Be the envy of your fellow office workers.

Imagine the privacy you'll have - no more pesky workmates checking out the porn you're downloading.

The latest in technology is now affordable.

Proudly display those awards. I particularly like the photo this guy has at this desk (take a closer look...).

But I wonder how ergonomically sound the chair is....

1 comment:

Craig said...

That's the difference between you and me Mel.
You appreciate the attention to detail.

Although I do wish I could read the label on the cardboard CD on the desk.