Friday 8 September 2006

Comes in threes?

Peter Perfect, Mr Perfect Peter, (also known as Peter Brock - motor racing legend) apparently died at lunchtime today in Western Australia in a car accident.

I can't help thinking that this is (almost) like nature fighting back. Steve Irwin, renowned for getting perhaps too close to nature, killed by a stingray on Monday; Peter Brock, renowned racecar driver, killed by driving into a tree...

So what's next? I'm thinking that me just being here at work is an occupational health and safety risk. Maybe this means I'm going to get paper-cut to death, or a precariously-stacked tower of files might fall and crush an unsuspecting work colleague to death.

Or maybe I'm just being way too morbid for a Friday afternoon, in which case I should pack my crap up and get the hell outta dodge and into the nearest pub.


GrandmasterMellyMel said...

BREAKING NEWS: Just got word that it was actually the same stingray driving Brock's car.

There's speculation that Shane Warne's next on his hit-list. He's just trying to figure out how to sabotage Warne's mobile phone so he can invoke a brain tumour in one swift move.

Anonymous said...

The Peter Brock website has a message board where people are paying respects.

RIP Brocky