Friday, 27 January 2006

Armin Meiwes - German Cannibal

Warning: Some of the links here will take you to sites with graphic and disturbing images. Also I haven't necessarily explored all of the links beyond the first few paragraphs and rarely beyond a first page. Stick to the mainstream media for a safer and less troublesome read.

"My friend enjoyed dying, death. I only waited horrified for the end after doing the deed. It took so terribly long."


In 2001 Armin Meiwes met Bernd Juergen Brandes on the internet. You probably know what happened next. In 2003 Armin was arrested and many of us received updates of the police investigation and trial via email and newspapers. He was eventually sentenced to 8 and 1/2 years for manslaughter.

Armin is back in the news for a number of things, most notably facing an appeal against his 8 and ½ year sentence. Also in what looks like a trend in suing movie makers and musicians who have taken his story as a source for a creative work.

You may think Felicity and Rammstein have nothing to do with each other. Think again. The star of Felicity, Keri Russell, is set to star in a new movie called Butterfly loosely based on an investigation into a mad cannibal's motivation. Similarly Rammstein wrote a song "Mein Teil" (My Piece) motivated by curiosity about the cannibal's motivation. (More on Butterfly) (More on Rammstein's case)

I guess when you are locked away and none of the other prisoners will play with you you have to do something to keep yourself motivated.

It's the quiet ones you have to watch. Neighbours describe killer as 'a pleasant and polite man': Neighbours describe the murder suspect as a pleasant and polite man who kept to himself. He served in the German armed forces as a non- commissioned officer in ordinance for 12 years where was described as an amiable and conscientious military man. (more)

What's wrong with cannibalism? Plenty. But what is wrong with journalism when they publish this sort of tripe? there is a time for even handed journalism and a time for Fox news style hyperbole. Claire, don't you think cannibalism meets that bar?

More cannibals at large? Since Armin was sentenced another cannibal,
Ralf Meyer, has been identified, this time without a consensual meal partner (ah-hem.) Police said Meyer lost his nerve and confessed after killing his victim. "There's a body in my flat," he told them. "Please stop me before I eat it."

And in this light hearted but disturbing article the
Bizarre Story of the EBay Body snatchers we learn that cannibalism and other macabre pursuits are a few clicks away from normalcy and silliness. "WE HAVE all done it. You come back from the pub half cut and think it is a wizard wheeze to advertise a dead body on EBay. But when Daniel O'Dee from Salford posted the joke advert he got an email from someone calling himself 'Donnie, the Hanover cannibal' offering £2,000 for a 'fresh corpse'." (more)

And for the extreme and disturbed... What looks like a fan site (With photos of the dude's home) And a news site with some disturbing pictures at the other end of this link.